Wednesday, 21 September 2022
The Lyon Saint-Etienne Roanne Chamber of Commerce and Industry has announced a plan to increase emlyon’s capital by €50 million, with new minority shareholders joining the CCI, including Galileo Global Education, a leading French higher education group, as well as key companies in the Lyon region, including BioMérieux. Following this transaction, the CCI will remain the school’s majority shareholder, while Qualium will sell its stake.
This new step is in line with the CCI’s vision to make emlyon a global business university that ranks among the top 15 in Europe.
Following the transformation of the school’s legal status in 2018, with the creation of the Société Anonyme early makers group, and the opening of its capital to investors, with the arrival in 2019 of Qualium investissement and Bpifrance, the CCI is accelerating the development of the school and the Confluences 2025 strategic plan, which aims at confirming emlyon’s position amongst the best European and worldwide institutions. The Confluences 2025 plan focuses on three main areas: internationalization, hybridization and digitalization.
In this context, the Lyon Metropole Saint-Etienne Roanne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the school’s majority shareholder, with the support of Bpifrance, has decided to strengthen emlyon’s shareholding by increasing its capital and introducing new shareholders, Galileo Global Education, a French group that is a world leader in the higher education sector, as well as flagship companies from the Lyon region, including BioMérieux.
“In line with the ambitious and pioneering strategy that led to the opening of emlyon’s capital in 2019, the Lyon Metropole Chamber of Commerce and Industry is pursuing its roadmap to transform the school that was created by our predecessors in 1872 into a global business university with strong local roots,” said Philippe Valentin, president of the CCI Lyon Métropole Saint-Etienne Roanne. He adds: “I would like to thank Qualium, whose contribution to the school’s strategic plan has been significant, and I would like to welcome Galileo’s teams, with whom we share a very good outline for our school. “
“This evolution will provide emlyon with new immediate and long-term levers to accelerate the deployment of its strategic plan, while reaffirming its anima, its values and its commitment to its students, its academic body of excellence, its employees and its alumni,” said Isabelle Huault, chairwoman of the board and CEO.
With Galileo Global Education, emlyon will strengthen its international development, by relying in the short term on four campuses, in London, Milan, Berlin and Oslo. Emlyon will also pursue the hybridization of its programs by forging partnerships with international institutions renowned for their excellence, particularly in the fields of art, design and technology.
Finally, the school will intensify its social and civic commitments, with the launch of programs within La Toile, a school that offers training that will lead to qualifications for young people who have dropped out of school, the generalization of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Inside label, the development of apprenticeships, an attractive scholarship policy, and new impactful initiatives such as an investment fund associated with its start-up incubator and accelerator.
The project, which was approved in principle by the CCI Lyon Métropole General Assembly on September 8th and by the governing bodies of all parties involved, should be finalized in October 2022, after consulting the competition authority and the finalization of the information and consultation procedure with emlyon’s works council.