Graphic Art is defined by Wikipedia as “The application of specialized artistic skills in the direction of conveying a particular message”. A very broad category of artistic expression, graphic art includes a wide range of visual art expression, usually two-dimensional, which is often produced on a large flat surface. Although this broad category of art is accepted broadly by most people as being of an artistic nature, it is normally performed with a degree of professional consideration as opposed to the more “commercial” type of art which is normally performed in galleries or exhibits and which tends to be self-parodic and self-indulgent. The main distinction between commercial and expressive graphic art is that the later tends to be more geared towards obtaining commercial profits from the creation and sale of its works to the former have little or no reliance upon such things.
The most common sub-divisions of graphic art are, Print Design, Video Artwork and Environmental Graphic Design. Print Design involves the production of graphic designs which are specifically used to advertise products or promote businesses. Video Artwork usually refers to digital artworks (like paintings) whose primary purpose is to create visual imagery for advertising or other purposes. An excellent example of an environmental graphic design would be the sea life painting which was produced by Dutch artist Jan Vermeer. He produced a series of paintings which are carefully depicted sea life against waters that are blue, grey and deep.
Motion Graphics is a more generic term for any visual art which employs moving objects as a means of expressational or persuasive art. Most commonly, these visual works are produced as advertisements or to accompany music. There is a great deal of crossover between motion graphics and visual arts, as many graphic artists have a hand in both fields.
A graphic designer can be thought of as the artist who conceptualizes the layout and design of a piece of artwork. A good graphic designer should be able to work well with others, considering their preferences and needs. For instance, it would not be recommended to have a graphic artist who only has experience working with newspaper advertising. This kind of experience would not be useful if a designer were to start creating fine art pieces that have a similar look to advertising.
Many professional graphic artists specialize in particular styles of artwork, such as children’s illustrations, abstract, figurative, or visual basic. While this is one way that graphic artists are able to earn a living, it is also important for these artists to continue to develop their skills so that they can move on to other areas. The more experience a graphic artist has, the more options they will have when it comes to creating new works of art.
Many graphic designers work independently, but some choose to work for small companies or museums. Some people work from their home, while others work at an office on a full-time basis. Most graphic designers make a comfortable living working in their chosen field, but the market for graphic designers has not always been very good. This may be due to the fact that many businesses prefer to use more modern means of advertisement, which makes advertising graphic designers obsolete.
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of companies that use graphic design on their website. A great deal of research has been done in the last few years to create unique web pages for businesses. Websites can no longer simply be used to list products and services. Companies are now exploring new ways in order to attract new customers and retain their current clientele. Changing consumer preferences have also changed the way businesses interact with their customers.
There is no specific skill that is needed to become a graphic designer. The ability to think quickly and effectively is very valuable, but it does not require an advanced degree. The most important thing that graphic designers must be being creative and they must be able to work with others to achieve their goals. Graduates with a fine arts background can certainly apply, but often times, these individuals do not enjoy the conceptual aspects of this particular vocation. Most aspiring graphic designers work as freelancers in order to build their portfolio and gain experience.