In economics, the economic value of income elasticity is the responsiveness of a certain amount demanded for a good to an increase in consumer’s income. It is defined as the ratio between the change in consumer’s income to the change in the total amount demanded of a good.
The price-inelasticity refers to the tendency for the supply of a good to remain unchanged irrespective of its market price, and hence, the increase in demand will reduce the supply. Economic theory shows that, when the supply of a good is fixed, the price cannot increase. The same theory also shows that when the price increases, the demand will decrease and the elasticity is negative.
The demand elasticity is defined as the tendency for the supply of a commodity to decline when the supply increases. The higher the demand for a commodity, then the lower the price. This means that when there are increased quantities of goods, the price can be reduced. Economic theory also shows that if the demand for a commodity is increased, it will be lower than before.
Economists distinguish between two types of economic goods. One is called perfect elasticity, where the demand and supply of the product changes with respect to changes in the market price. A perfect good has no cost-effectiveness at all, while the second type is called imperfectly elasticity, where the demand and supply of the good changes with respect to changes in the market price of other products.
Some economic goods are perfect elastic goods; they are perfectly sensitive to changes in the market price of other goods and have no cost-effectiveness at all. This kind of goods are used in the production of commodities like cotton and wheat for example. On the other hand, some imperfectly elastic goods, such as many non-food items, are not so easy to produce.
Economists argue that price-elasticity occurs because a perfect supply of a good changes into a perfect demand. Thus, the demand for a commodity will remain unchanged and will not be affected by changes in the price of another good, unless the supply of that commodity increases. This is the reason why price-elasticity is considered an equilibrium condition. where the supply of a commodity remains constant and the demand changes with respect to other factors that affect the market price of other commodities. But, in the production of perfect goods, there are a lot of factors that affect the price, such as the quality of the good and the competition among producers.
Price-elasticity is also a result of production costs, which are the costs that are incurred in the production of a good. The higher the price, the higher the production cost and vice versa. However, production costs are dependent on the overall output and their effects are less on imperfect goods.
Economists also believe that the elastic price-elasticity is not static, since in the economy as a whole, it is affected by changes in demand for the good. The more the demand is increased, then the lower the price of a good. Therefore, in a recession or depressed economy, where demand is low, price-elasticity decreases and inflation take over. There are also times, where the demand for goods is very high, such as in times of recessions, and they remain stable as compared to high demand.
There are many types of goods that can have elastic price-elasticity. For instance, when there is an increase in demand for a certain good, the price of this good will increase. However, when there is an increase in supply of the same good, the price will decrease. A perfect good, like cotton, is a good that is very elastic in its supply and demand; hence, it tends to stay relatively constant.
There are several imperfect goods that can also have this property, but they are not as common as the perfect ones. Examples of imperfect goods are medical devices and other technology products, such as computers and medical equipment. In addition, some of the most popular goods in the world, such as computers and television sets, have elastic price-elasticity, which means that they can change according to demand. or supply but are relatively constant.
Economists are divided on what kinds of goods have this property. Some economists believe that elasticity is determined by supply and demand and others believe that it is determined by the market forces. In some cases, it is determined by the laws of demand and supply, whereas some other economists think that it is determined by other factors. To summarize, income elasticity is the amount that a good will change as demand rises or falls while in others, it is determined by demand and supply.